The Peasant Prince

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A Monkey Baa Theatre Company Production
Based on the book by Li Cunxin, Illustrated by Anne Spudvilas
Adapted for the stage by Eva Di Cesare, Sandie Eldridge 
and Tim McGarry

“You have your secret dreams. Follow them. Make themcome true.” From The Peasant Prince by Li Cunxin.

Monkey Baa is thrilled to announce the return of its award-winning production The Peasant Prince in 2024. The children’s version of Li Cunxin’s iconic autobiography, Mao’s Last Dancer, The Peasant Prince is the remarkable true story of a 10-year-old peasant boy’s journey from impoverished rural China to the international dance scene. This is a story of courage, resilience and unwavering hope. 

Li, a 10-year old peasant boy is plucked from his village in rural China and sent to a ballet academy in the big city. He leaves everything and everyone he loves, including his family. Over years of gruelling training, this boy transforms from an impoverished peasant to a giant of the international dance scene. Li’s courage, resilience and unwavering hope for a better life for himself and his family makes The Peasant Prince a story to ignite our own aspirations to be the best person we can be. Audiences will be captivated by this very personal story, truly a 20th century fairy tale.

Monkey Baa's extraordinary production won Best Production at The Glugs and The Sydney Theatre Awards and a Drover's Award for the Best Tour in 2016.

Suitable for children aged 7-12y and their grown-ups

Photo by Heidrun Lohr. Photos from 2016 national tour feature performers Jenevieve Chang, Jonathan Chan, John Gomez Goodway and Edric Hong

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Photos by Clare Hawley. Featuring performers Agnes Choi, Jonathan Lim, Gerwin Widjaja and Alan Zhu.



  • Thursday, 25 July 2024 | 06:00 PM - 07:00 PM
  • Friday, 26 July 2024 | 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
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